JW's love to pull out that harsh scripture. It's about all they can say to people who leave the organisation. The other one is "get behind me Satan." A long time friend said that to me recently, the asshole.
Don't let it get you down....
Here's what you need to do: Just quote to your (loving) husband the scripture in Isaiah 28:18 where Jehovah tells his people that their tables are full of of filthy vomit. When he tries to say that this only applies to Christendom, point out to him that if Jehovah's Witnesses are God's name people that houses "spiritual Israel" then how on earth could it apply to Christendom since they have never housed any of the anointed! He won't be able to deny that. Tell him that therefore this prophecy must mean today that Jehovah is disgusted with many aspects of HIS OWN PEOPLE, like he was back then with his OWN PEOPLE the ancient Israelites. Then tell him what aspects of his own people today does he think Jehovah would be similarly disgusted by as he was with his ancient name people? When he says he has no idea, let him know that websites such as this reveal all of the filthy vomit in the organisation that 99% Jehovah's Witnesses deny exists and are afraid to find out about!
You go girl!